Our commitment to Idaho is founded upon the respect, patience, and curiosity necessary to sustain a balance of economic development and natural resource stewardship.

Our Kilgore Gold Exploration Project
Excellon Idaho Gold has completed the first of several seasons of its field exploration for potential additional mineralized zones at the historic Kilgore gold deposit in Clark County, Idaho. Excellon is exploring high-priority targets, including Mine Ridge and Prospect Ridge, for possible gold mineralization beyond the currently defined mineral resource estimate.
The Kilgore Project is located 20 miles northeast of Dubois and totals about 16,774 acres. The property includes historical mine workings dating back to the early 1900s. The Kilgore Project is a caldera-related epithermal gold deposit.
Currently, our efforts at Kilgore are limited to exploration activities, including data collection and analysis. Should our exploration program identify sufficient mineralization to justify further work, we will work with the U.S. Forest Service, State of Idaho, Clark County, and other decision makers to advance the Kilgore Gold Exploration Project.

Our Values
Responsibility: We own our actions as a member of the community focused on the long term.
Respect: We elevate people through respect, dialog and collaborative development, planting the roots of talented, creative and diverse teams and sustainable local communities.
Openness & Transparency: We communicate honestly, openly and simply to create the most powerful currency of all: Trust.
Curiosity: We seek and accept new innovations, ideas and perspectives to become better. We never say “no” without first asking “how”.
Resiliency: We create opportunities from adversity.
Minimizing Environmental Impact
After a thorough review of the project through an Environmental Assessment, the U.S. Forest Service determined the Kilgore Gold Exploration Project includes the appropriate safeguards to protect Idaho’s lands, waters, and wildlife.
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Both the Project Plan of Operations and the 2021 Environmental Assessment include measures to protect waterways in and around the Project, some of which are seasonal and intermittent. There is a population of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Corral Creek; however, the drilling activities are located far from the perennial reaches of this waterway. Further, drilling activities will only use drilling fluids that are used to drill drinking water wells — these are biodegradable and non-toxic.
Grizzly Bears
There were no radio locations of grizzly bears within the Project area between 2000 and 2019 and there is no evidence that grizzly bears inhabit or live adjacent to the Project area. The Project is situated in an area that is actively and frequently used for recreation activities (camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, and gazing), whereas an abundance of higher quality and less-disturbed habitats for grizzly bear are located north of the Project area in the main Centennial Range. Nevertheless, the Project is compliant with all relevant conservation management directions for grizzly bears, including the food storage order, the 2016 Conservation Strategy for the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and the 1997 Revised Forest Plan for the Targhee National Forest.
Other Wildlife
In addition to grizzly bears, the 2021 Environmental Assessment considers the potential impact of the Project on numerous other wildlife species, including elk, the Canadian lynx, the American three-toed woodpecker, the Boreal owl, the Columbia spotted frog, and migratory birds, among others. As detailed in the 2021 Environmental Assessment, the USFS has determined that the Project is not likely to either have an adverse effect or contribute to a loss of viability to the population of any of these wildlife species.
Whitebark Pine